2017 Speakers

The following information is the same as found in the downloadable PDF. These speaker details are subject to minor changes and revisions.

Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 11:00 A.M.
9:30 A.M. Keith Parker
"A People of Prayer"
Sam Long
"Christ's Prayer Life"
James Andrews
"Prayer: Overcoming Temptation"
Mark Blackwelder
"Communication: God to Man, Man to God"
Kevin Schwiger
"Conditions of Successful Prayer"
Kerry Williams
"If My People Will Pray"
Paul Methvin
"Making Prayer Real for Me"
6:00 P.M. Chris Swinford
"Prayer and Spiritual Combat"
Ralph Gilmore
"God's Promise to Answer"
Joe Wells
"Prayer: Leave Your Burdens"
Hi Jones
"Prayer Demands a Humble Heart"
David Hester
"Prayer Through Suffering"
Bruce McClarty
"Being Honest With God: Self-Reflection"
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:00 A.M. Sam Long
"Leadership to the Church"
Leadership Class
Ralph Gilmore
"Same-Sex Attraction"
Leadership Class
Kerry Williams
"Leading the Church Away from Extremes"
Leadership Class
Bill Stewart
"Having a Vision"
Leadership Class
Kevin Schwiger
"Leading for a Faithful Future"
Leadership Class
Keith Parker
"Eternity: Death and Judgment"
Keith Parker
"Eternity: Coming of Christ"
Keith Parker
"Eternity: Hell"
Keith Parker
"Eternity: Heaven"
Keith Parker
"Eternity: Eternal Questions"
Chris Swinford
"We Must: Pray Diligently"
Chris Swinford
"We Must: Live Righteously"
Chris Swinford
"We Must: Evangelize Fervently"
Chris Swinford
"We Must: Preach Faithfully & Truthfully"
Chris Swinford
"We Must: Serve Humbly"
John Clayton
"The New Atheism & Our Response to It"
John Clayton
"Errors of the New Atheists & How to Use These Mistakes"
John Clayton
"Cosmology - Meeting the Challenges of Modern Astronomy"
John Clayton
"Understanding the Nature of God and the Explanations it Gives Us"
John Clayton
"What Kind of Faith Do You Have?"
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:30 A.M
11:00 A.M. Kevin Schwiger
"Reaching the Denominational World: First Things"
Kevin Schwiger
"Reaching the Denominational World: Engaging Conversations"
Kevin Schwiger
"Reaching the Denominational World: Meaningful Study (Part 1)"
Kevin Schwiger
"Reaching the Denominational World: Meaningful Study (Part 2)"
Kevin Schwiger
"Reaching the Denominational World: Staying Connected"
Mark Blackwelder
"How to Study the Bible: What's Going On Here?"
Mark Blackwelder
"How to Study the Bible: Speak Lord, Your Servant is Listening"
Mark Blackwelder
"How to Study the Bible: Do You Know What I Mean?"
Bill Stewart
"The Need for Everyone to Find Their Ministry"
Bill Stewart
"Ministries I Can Use in the Glorious Church"
Nick Perez
"God, Prayer & Politics"
Nick Perez
"Interceding for Terrorists"
David Hester
"The AD 70 Debate"
David Hester
"Addressing Modern Liberal Scholars Concerning the Gospels"
David Hester
"Addressing Modern Liberal Scholars Concerning Jesus"
Sam Long
"The Joy of First John (Part 1)"
Sam Long
"The Joy of First John (Part 2)"
"Staying in the Game When Life Throws You a Curve Ball"
Hi Jones
"Developing Evangelistic, Mission-Minded Congregations: The Power of Vision"
Hi Jones
"Developing Evangelistic, Mission-Minded Congregations: The Power of Example"
Hi Jones
"Developing Evangelistic, Mission-Minded Congregations: The Power of Discipleship"
John Poole
"Breakups & Commitments (Part 1)"
John Poole
"Breakups & Commitments (Part 2)"
Joe Wells
"Finding One's Place in the Church: One's Possibilities"
Joe Wells
"Finding One's Place in the Church: One's Passion"
Joe Wells
"Finding One's Place in the Church: One's Priorities"
Joe Wells
"Finding One's Place in the Church: One's Purpose"
Roy Johnson
"Training Leaders for Tomorrow"
"Helping the Chemically Addicted: The Socialization of Medical & Recreational Marijuana"
Dave Wagner
"Helping the Chemically Addicted: The Opioid Epidemic"
Dave Wagner
"Helping the Chemically Addicted: First Steps in Physical & Spiritual Healing"
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
11:00 A.M. Jeanette Lee
"Hannah, Solomon and Me"
Cathy Rubin
"Penitent Prayer"
Erin Wells
"Perseverance with Prayer"
Pam Stewart
"What Hinders Our Prayers?"
Cynthia Clayton
"Spiritual Prayers"

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